Okay, perhaps I have it now. That is, finding a way to round the images in
Tidal Barrier - Claire.
We open with sky, covered in gray cloud (repeated in the final scene). This seen through a window or a skylight. It is raining, or it could rain.
A man speaking to someone. We cannot see him yet.
Then Claire, looking up at this window or skylight (we repeat this image at the end and in the middle of the story).
The man continues. We still cannot seem him, or perhaps we see a fragment of him at the edge of frame. It is all about what she hasn't not done, or hasn't been.
But Claire says nothing. Just looks up.
Finally he can take it no longer. he stands, takes her hand, pulls her arm, demands her attention. This is what he means. This is just it.
And she looks at him for the first time.
He is going to leave now.
Now a window. Water drops working their way down the glass.
In the background, out there, pinned to a fence or hung on a roof, are those fairly lights? It is hard to tell. Out of focus, seen through a rain soaked window, they could be stars.
And then the camera pans across what may be a rooftops and then what is that? A chimney? A wall? Whatever is, it is black. This is a wipe.
In the dark, sounds. We can't know what they are.
And then we are back. That same view across rooftops, across London. At some distance a light flashing, warning (as the light Claire sees on the roadway just before the final scene). And perhaps that is the Thames in the distance.
Then Claire, through this window. The fairy lights reflected on the glass, all over her. She should be looking at this scene but she is not really seeing anything. A glassy-eyed stare.
Black. Titles.