Monday, April 21, 2008

Pre-production update

I feel like this post is a list of excuses why I haven't written anything these past few weeks...
But so much has happened I have not taken the time to step back and take a look at it all.
So, we are in the process of securing a location for Natalie's flat. The plan is to shoot this over a long weekend in May. Setting a date, especially at a location where I will only have limited access tends to focus the mind. Suddenly JC and I have to stop debating and make some decisions.
We are thinking of shooting a 2:1 ratio, but of course we are concerned about the amount of grain, especially as we were planning to shoot a fairly fast film to dispense with as much lighting as possible. The only way to be certain is a test so we contacted i-lab in Soho ( Now they listened to us, suggested some options, and introduced us to the Fuji representative. They also made us tea, and didn't try to push us out the door.
So now it is up to us. We are planning to shoot a test scene with 250D and some other pieces with 160T.
I have finally opened up the project to sound and art direction. I met with Roland (Roland did the sound on my last film Reconciliation) on Monday last week and he began to throw out a bunch of different ideas, and went away very thoughtful, promising to come back with some more concrete suggestions.
Azahara has joined us to do the art direction. Of course there is not much of a budget and we have few options, so she has a tough job. The whole challenge is to find that one thing in each place, and since we are so limited by the aesthetics, this is all about the thinking.
Having to try to outline what I am doing, and having them both respond, and then having JC pitch in as well has helped me focus my ideas.
There is a lot more. I have begun to get ready for the Norway segment, which we are planning to shoot at the end of June.
All in all it has been a lot fun. It is so great to have more people feeding in ideas.

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