Sunday, March 08, 2009

Revised script

Well just distracted, that's why I have written lately. When I go into writing mode it is hard to take some of that energy and put into the blog. Besides, what would I say?
I feel as if I have enough now that I can prepare for the workshop. I intend to put in one long day at the end of the month and shoot it on video. I will cut this into a new edit and then...more feedback.
What have I written?
I have added another layer to Claire, as we see her at work, in her neighbourhood, interacting, now affecting, not inert, taking an opinion, having a view. I thought of this as the plateau that she can later throw herself from.
I keep struggling to keep all of these new scenes simple. I spent a lot of the time trying to think of major events but always came to realise that I will succeed in small increments. I do not need to create these seismic situations. I have those already. I need the little things. For example, a scene where Claire goes into the local grocery store. She hears a song she knows being played. She goes home excited to discover it once again, but when she puts it on she is disappointed. It is inadequate. That' s all it needs. No great revelation.
I really need more of these small pieces now, not great ones.
I have also developed her relationship with Paul, extending and developing a day out together.
My one question is around Sophie. Do I have enough? It is hard to know now. I am the point I need to see the edit. I have once again lost objectivity and it is timed to take it out to other people.

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