Tuesday, July 20, 2010


So my plans for my new edit have so far not come off. Basically just a matter of people being too busy to take a look. It will happen...I just heard from David who had a look yesterday, but in the meantime I have some more time to think and wonder, have I gone far enough?
This is not an entirely new thought. I have been thinking of this for a time, and this came as a suggestion from my friend Sarah on a number of occasions.
First I wondered if the straight, linear structure was ideal. Second, I imagined an editor swooping in, and then announcing a radical plan: move that here, that there, ignore the linear structure.
So I sat in the garden this evening thinking through this as a principle. Of course you can't just decide to be radical.
No, I had to wonder instead if what I wanted to do was attenuate Claire's journey, and to do so was to rearrange, and as a consequence break time. In essence this is creating a film that followed the dictates of an internal journey, expressed externally as sense, emotion, sound, rhythm, feeling, regardless of linear time.
So now my next step. At least I have to give it a try.

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