Thursday, August 20, 2009

Sweating the weather

So the preparations are well enough along for me now to sweat over the long-range weather Norway weather forecast.
Hmmm. Only one day of full-sun. This is a problem. This is the Friday we are leaving. In the evening, yes, but we have a lot of material to cover (17 shots). And ground too, as the locations are some ways from our base (the cabin).
One day of rain is good. We have a number of shots (13) around Claire's arrival at the cabin, which for continuity, happens in either the rain, or it's-going-rain.
I have scheduled a number of shots for the Thursday (mixed sun and cloud), but that is being optimistic. It would better if it were sunny that day too. So, I can only hope for some change as we come closer to our shooting dates.

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