Sunday, January 17, 2010

Making of...

I am now just getting around to beginning the new edit. I have made a few visits to Roland's sound studio, just today raiding his sound library. The plan is to include the new sounds, spend a little time getting the levels right. I don't have speakers in my edit setup so getting levels right has been a problem. This means spending a load of time mixing different sounds into layers has often been a fruitless exercise. Tonight I am going to try to set up my projector and sound system to read directly off the laptop and Final Cut Pro.
I feel I really need a new victim to watch the edit, ideally this coming weekend. So that is the plan.
In the meantime I show some of the Making of... videos and with his feedback did some trimming. Here is the first, a short piece on one of the scenes we shot in Norway. First us setting up, then rehearsing/discussing, and then the actual scene. Note that the sound has not been done, and the actual footage is just the DV dub - this is not the full-fat film by any means.

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